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filming in march 2020 | post production in progress




Agex Prod - Effets Désirables

Creative documentary  - 1.78 - color - 2020 - post production in progress

Cinematographer : Stanislas Cadeo

Baïkal lake expedition - artists / researchers involved :

Chloé Laumonier (director) 

Adrien Picquenot (astrophysicist) 

Charlotte Marchina (anthropologist)

Olivier Bousquet (geographer)

Laurent Derobert (mathematician - contemporary artist) 

Jean-Claude Altmayer (chef cooker)

Kirill Ukolov (contemporary artist)

Alexander Arkhincheev (singing and « morin-huur »)

Benoît Laur (drummer and sound creator)

Jean-Laurent Cayzac (guitarist - double bass player)

Clarisse Catarino (accordionist)

Julia Snegur (journalist, globetrotter)

Daniel Nouraud (photographer)

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photo stan_E2661.JPG

Stanislas Cadéo © 2022

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